Local Property Expert is pleased to present to your attention, furnished, one bedroom apartment for rent in the aparthotel Antilia Suites gr. Apartment.
The apartment consists of entrance hall, living room with kitchenette, bedroom, bathroom with toilet and terrace.
Всекидневната е просторна и е обзаведена с диван и кресло, малка холна маса, маса за телевизор и трапезна маса с четири стола. Кухненският кът е оборудван с хубави и подържани шкафове и голям плот, котлони, аспиратор, микровилнова печка, хладилник, електрическа кана, посуда и прибори. От всекидневната може да се излезе на терасата.
The bedroom is furnished with a double bed, two bedside tables and a double wardrobe.
The heating is by electric convectors and radiators.
The apartment is located on the third floor of a five-storey residential building.
Апартхотел Antilia Suites се намира в центъра, на тиха и спокойна улица в новата част на гр. Банско. Сградата се намира на пет минути пеша от начална станция на ски лифта и на десет минути от старият град.
It is located in the most preferred recreation area by tourists. It is close to the most iconic restaurants, ski schools, Hlebarna Banski Samun, popular shops and restaurants. It is located on a quiet street which makes the place peaceful and away from the hustle and bustle of the centre. All this makes the property very suitable for accommodation of both families and holidaymakers. It is also suitable for mountain and nature lovers and for those working in the area.
Property Location: https://maps.app.goo.gl/vdhStsbEhXxKE59z9
The price for renting the apartment from 01.04 to 30.11 is 550 BGN per month. Electricity and water are charged extra.
The price for renting the apartment from 01.12 to 30.04 is 750 BGN per month. Electricity and water are charged extra.
A stop deposit of one rental is required to reserve and rent the property, either at the Local Property Expert office or in the agency's bank account.
At Local Property Expert, we will assist you through the entire rental process. We can also help you secure bank finance, and all the services you need to buy a home too.
Local Property Expert
Tel: +359 897 789 101; +359 888 22 10 10
E-mail: p.nikolaev@localpropertyexpert.net
Please quote ad reference number: 217.
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